Project Management, Field Survey
City and Guilds Biological Surveying
BSBI Member British Ecological Society
Previous experience includes:
- NVC survey,
Viking windfarm, Shetland (SSE/Envirocentre 2008)
- CSM Various
habitats, Hoy & Rousay, Orkney (Quadrat/SNH 2008)
- Rabbit
survey over archaeological sites and wider island, Mingulay (NTS 2008)
- Surveying
UK BAP habitats, various locations with Lorne forest district area (FES
- HIA Ardmeanach,
Isle of Mull (Quadrat/SNH 2008)
- NVC survey
and Phase 1 survey of proposed hydro schemes, Lochaber (Quadrat/Hydroplan
- Vegetation
survey for rare moth studies, Ben Hiant (SNH 2007)
- Phase II
Habitat Surveys, Various Sites (Falkirk Council 2007)
- Surveying
UK BAP habitats, various locations (FES 2007)
- Site Condition
Monitoring, Breadalbanes (Quadrat/SNH 2007)
- Setting
up of long term vegetation monitoring programme of key habitats, Kintail
Estate (NTS 2007)
- Vegetation
monitoring, Burg, Isle of Mull (NTS 2007/2008)
- NVC survey,
Balmacara Estate (NTS 2007)
- NVC and
Phase 1 survey of proposed hydro scheme, Lochaber (Quadrat/Hydroplan
- Site Condition
Monitoring, Dumfries and Galloway (SNH/Quadrat 2006)
- NVC survey
of wetland sites, Borders (Quadrat/Borders Council 2006)
- NVC survey,
Keilder, Borders (Quadrat 2006)
- Surveying
UK BAP habitats, various locations (FES 2006)
- Site Condition
Monitoring, Drumochter (Quadrat/SNH 2006)
- Aquatic
macrophyte monitoring and survey, Loch Achaidh na h-Inich, Kyle of Lochalsh
(Scottish Water 2006/2007/2008)
- Grassland
monitoring, Balmacara (NTS 2006/2007/2008)
- NVC survey
for proposed housing development, Galashiels (MDL Borders 2006)
- Ornithological
survey of proposed windfarm, Perthshire (BMT Cordah Ltd./Savills 2006)
Bryophyte survey, Glencoe (NTS 2005/06)
- Phase
1 Habitat survey, Strath Carnaig, Sutherland (SNH 2005)
- Vegetation
Monitoring, various sites (Deer Commission 2005)
survey for proposed windfarm, Shetland (BMT Cordah Ltd./SSE 2005)
- Vegetation
Monitoring, Moine Mhor (SNH 2005)
- Site
Condition Monitoring, Kintail Estate (NTS 2005)
- Habitat
Condition Assessment, Monadhliath (SNH 2005)
Survey for Windfarm Impact Assessment, Ayrshire (Quadrat 2005)
- Black
Grouse Lek survey, New Cumnock (Kier Mining 2005)
Japanese knotweed eradication project, Port Glasgow (Alfred McAlpines
Vegetation monitoring, Helvellyn & Skiddaw (English Nature 2004)
NVC Survey of Ben Heasgarnich & Meall na Samhna (SNH 2004)
Survey of proposed windfarm site (BMT Cordah Ltd. 2004)
- Various
Phase 1 Habitat surveys (Environ 2004)
Survey of Mingulay, Berneray and Pabbay (NTS 2004)
of proposed windfarm site, Caithness (Enviros/British Energy 2004)
Survey of proposed quarry, Port Glasgow (Harelaw Ltd. 2004)
- Biodiversity
projects, Lothian and Fife (Business Environment Partnership 2004)
- Badger
Survey, Motherwell (Carl Bro Group Ltd. 2004)
- Site
Condition Monitoring, Dumfries and Galloway SSSI's (SNH 2004)
- Alien
invasive plant survey, major rivers of the Lothians (SNH 2003/04)
and Pinewood regeneration monitoring, Abernethy & Loch Lomondside (Penny
Anderson Associates/Scottish Forest Alliance 2003)
Survey for proposed windfarm (Central Environmental Services, 2003)
Survey and Condition Assessment of North Harris pSAC (SNH 2003)
- Habitat
Condition Assessment, heather moorland, Yorkshire (English Nature 2003)
survey for proposed windfarm (Quadrat 2003)
- Grassland
assessment of proposed development site, Aberuthven (Capreolus wildlife
consultancy 2003)
- Ecological
Impact Assessment of proposed windfarm site (West Coast Energy 2003)
- Ecological
Impact Assessment of proposed windfarm sites (Enviros/British Energy
- NVC Survey and Condition
Assessment, Durham, English Nature (2002)
- NVC Survey of Buttermere
Fells, Shap Fell, Scafell Pike, English Nature (2002)
- NVC survey and Condition
assessment of peatlands of North Lewis, SNH (2002)
- Fixed-term
contract (2.5 years) as in-house ecologist for National Trust for Scotland,
Mar Lodge Estate, Deeside
survey of Forest of Clunie for SNH (1999)
survey of Forest of Muirkirk for SNH (1999)
survey of selected areas, Dumfries and Galloway (25,000ha) for Solway
Heritage (1998)
and habitat condition survey of Loch Sunart woodlands cSAC for SNH (1998/9)
Woodland surveys in Argyll for Highland Birchwoods (1998)
survey of Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands for SNH (1997)
- River
corridor survey of the River Thame for Environment Agency, Thames Region
- River
corridor survey of Upper River Thames for EA, Thames Region (1997)
- Grassland
Monitoring at Strathrory SSSI, Easter Ross for SNH / Forest Enterprise
- River
corridor surveys within Severn-Trent and Anglian regions for ESL Ltd.(1995/6)
- Monitoring
of Scots pine woodlands for SNH (north-west) (1995)
- River
corridor survey for Anglian Region National Rivers Authority and SNH
survey, Ayrshire for SNH (1994)